The Biggest Flood Control Reservoir Of Hungary Has Been Handed Over
- 8 Oct 2012 9:00 AM
At the closing ceremony, State Secretary for Municipal Affairs of the Ministry of Interior András Tállai said that the reservoir will protect 570 thousand people and 660 thousand acres of land.
The state secretary emphasized that natural disasters at the turn of the millennium showed that there is need for a new solution against floods since building higher ramparts is too expensive and require special technology. The Vásárhely Plan Improvement Programme has laid the new foundation of flood protection. During the first part of the programme, six reservoirs were designed. One was handed over in Czigánd in 2008 and another one in Tiszaroff in 2009.
In addition to the Hany-Tiszasüly facility, the implementation of the Nagykunság reservoir will be finished this year, whereas construction works of the Szamos-Kraszna and Bereg reservoirs are about to begin.
Source: Ministry of Interior -
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