New Budapest Metro Line M4 To Start This March

  • 8 Aug 2013 1:30 AM
New Budapest Metro Line M4 To Start This March
After an extended construction period, Budapest’s new metro line (M4) will finally open its doors for the public in March 2014, Mayor Tarlos officially confirmed recently. The new line will connect southwest Budapest (Buda, Kelenfold station) to northeast Budapest (Pest, Keleti station) and will be the first automatically operated metro in Central-Eastern Europe.

This year, in September, M4 will open for test runs but will carry no passengers until next year.

Istvan Tarlos, Major of Budapest noted at a press conference on Monday, “The construction work is going at the right pace, the tunnel and metro path is almost complete, and the safety equipment is ready to be installed.”

After the metro’s departure in March, there will be a trainman monitoring its performance for a year, but the train will be driven by the automatic system.

Words by Tímea Klincsek for

Intern Editor: Réka Lodinsky

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