Teachers In Hungary Consider Legal Or Strike Action

  • 24 Sep 2013 9:00 AM
Teachers In Hungary Consider Legal Or Strike Action
One teachers union plans to challenge the law on education at the Constitutional Court, while another is threatening to stage a strike in response to changes introduced this school year. Piroska Galló, head of the Teachers Union, (PSZ) said on Monday that it can be stated without exaggeration that chaos has evolved in public education, in part because laws were amended in an unlawful way without giving teachers sufficient time to prepare.

Three weeks after classes began, students, teachers and parents are realising the consequences of the cabinet’s educational policy decisions, she told Népszabadság.

The much smaller Democratic Union of Teachers has said it has decided to prepare for a strike, “as a result of a torrent of complaints arriving from everywhere”.

Source: Hungary Around the Clock

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