Photo Article: Madame Noi, Tastes From Han Noi In Budapest

  • 21 Nov 2013 8:00 AM
Photo Article: Madame Noi, Tastes From Han Noi In Budapest
By<a href="" target="blank"> We Love Budapest </a>: Any city worth its salt boasts a wide array of Asian restaurants. In line with urban trends, Budapest too has a growing number of eateries boasting Asian cuisine. Included in these ranks is Madame Noi, but this restaurant is not just another place to eat. Located on Andássy út, Madame Noi was opened by Anh Tuan, a Vietnamese fashion designer, and distinguishes itself from other places with its selection of Indochinese delicacies and other gastronomic delights. The staff of We Love Budapest sat down with the manager of Madame Noi in order to get to know the place a little bit better.

Anh Tuan’s enthusiasm for Indochinese cuisine began at a young age. As a child, he started cooking and, eventually, began hosting and preparing meals for food-centric events, with titles likes “A Glimpse of Indochina.”

At one such event, Tuan met Péter Baldaszti, who would become his future business partner, and launch Budapest’s Indochinese food scene.

Madame Noi, named for Tuan’s mother, is located on fashionable Andrássy út in the building that previously held Baldaszti’s Grand Restaurant. The location, price-range, and interior of Madame Noi suits Budapest’s gastro-landscape; however, it stands out from other restaurants in the city as it seeks to popularize Indochinese cuisine, a type of food that is relatively new to the Hungarian capital.

At this point, you might be asking yourself, OK but what about the food? The menu looks like this: Thai soups (850-1250 HUF), grilled dishes (850-1250 HUF), Phos (1450-2250 HUF), fish (2650-2850 HUF), rice (450-2450 HUF), Thai curries (1950-2450 HUF), wok meals (1650-2450 HUF), salads (1450-2450 HUF), and desserts (950-1050 HUF). Each dish—prepared by Thai, Laotian, and Vietnamese chefs—contains fresh, natural ingredients, free from artificial additives or taste enhancers.

In addition to incorporating high-quality ingredients, Madame Noi is vegetarian and vegan friendly. Many dishes can be prepared without meat or dairy, and the restaurant boasts an unprecedented vegetarian version of Pho, a noodle soup loved the world over by Asian foodies everywhere. Due to their culinary creativity, the chefs are open to requests and suggestions and enjoy satisfying unique needs (only in the kitchen, we assume).

After the sun sets, Madame Noi does its night work, doubling as a posh bar featuring Indochinese specialties. Although the drink list lacks the infamous Vietnamese snake rice wine, the green tea-based cocktails—a perfect compliment to the flavorful dishes — more than make up for its absence.

In addition to innovative and healthy cuisine, Madame Noi’s prime location makes it the perfect prologue to a night on the town. After finishing your dishes and cocktails, you can mosey over to Urimuri, Madame Noi’s neighbor, for a few more drinks.

Address:1061 Budapest, Andrássy út 8.

Opening hours:Monday-Wednesday - 11.30AM-12PM, Thursday-Saturday - 11.30AM-1AM

Published on with the permission of: We Love Budapest

Revised by Zoë Clements for

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