Hungary’s Left Coalition Would Annul Utility Cuts, Says Fidesz

  • 18 Jan 2014 8:00 AM
Hungary’s Left Coalition Would Annul Utility Cuts, Says Fidesz
As soon as parties in the “Gyurcsánycoalition” could, they would annul the government’s utility price cut scheme, the spokeswoman of ruling Fidesz said on Thursday.

Gabriella Selmeczi said ex-premier Ferenc Gyurcsány “can’t wait to halt the scheme and bring back the order of the Gyurcsány-era”, when utility providers took home 1,040 billion forints.

Under the Socialist government of Gyurcsány (2004-2009), utility companies were privatised, and by 2010, Hungarian people were paying Europe’s highest gas and electricity prices, she added.

According to plans, the Fidesz group will decide on the third phase of the scheme at its upcoming session on January 24.


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