Hungary To Hold European Parliamentary Elections On May 25th

  • 9 Mar 2014 8:00 AM
Hungary To Hold European Parliamentary Elections On May 25th
Hungarian President Janos Ader formally announced on Thursday that European Parliamentary elections are to be held in Hungary on 25 May 2014. “The right to vote freely is one of the most important constitutional pillars of our democracy”, wrote Ader. “At the same time this right is an opportunity for us to influence with our votes Europe’s future”.

Presently, Hungary has 22 MEPS. This year, however, only 21 MEPs are to be elected as the size of the Hungarian European parliamentary delegation will be decreased by one to help make room for the 11 member delegation from Croatia.

European Parliamentary elections are held once every five years. Between May 22nd and 25th 2014, 28 EU member states are to elect a total of 751 MEPs.

Republished with permission.

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