“Serious Hope” Pinned On New US Ambassador’s Arrival

  • 16 Jan 2015 3:00 AM
“Serious Hope” Pinned On New US Ambassador’s Arrival
The Hungarian foreign minister has said he pins serious hopes on the arrival of the new US ambassador in Hungary for an uptick in relations. Speaking on public radio, Péter Szijjártó called it “good news” that Washington will have an ambassador serving in Hungary.

The Hungarian government will do its utmost to ensure that US-Hungarian cooperation is as smooth in politics as in the areas of the economy and defence. On the topic of the upcoming visit by German Chancellor Angela Merkel next month, Szijjártó said it was only natural that the two countries’ leaders should hold their own consultations away from their regular meetings in Brussels, he said, adding that bilateral and EU issues, the conflict in Ukraine and EU Russian relations were also expected to be discussed.

Commenting on the topical European issue of immigration, the foreign minister said a common European response and “calm and composed consultations” were required.

He said that “although the wounds of the recent barbarian terror attacks may still be too fresh,” the EU must address the issue at some point.

Source www.hungarymatters.hu

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