Alleged Member Of Terrorist Front In Preliminary Detention In Hungary

  • 23 Sep 2015 9:00 AM
Alleged Member Of Terrorist Front In Preliminary Detention In Hungary
The Szeged county court, in southern Hungary, ordered the preliminary detention for one month of a Syrian man who was allegedly one of the organisers of clashes between migrants and police last week. The Syrian known as Ahmed H is also alleged to be a member of a terrorist front. A court spokeswoman said that the man held a Schengen visa but had entered Hungary illegally.

Following last Wednesday’s clashes in Röszke at the Hungarian-Serbian border, the man was trying to leave Hungary for Austria on Saturday when he was detained, Erika Prágai added.

He had been seen, together with another man questioned in the case, using a loudspeaker to incite migrants who acted violently against police at Röszke last Wednesday. After the migrants broke down a gate at the border crossing, the Syrian man entered Hungarian territory and continued giving instructions through the loudspeaker before briefly returning to Serbian territory.

The national police headquarters said on its website that according to international information the Syrian national, 39, is also a member in an Islamic fundamentalist movement called Tablighi Jamaat that is also used as a front for terrorist organisations sending radicals to target countries. He holds a work permit in Cyprus.

The man has appealed against the ruling.

Source - Visit Hungary Matters to sign-up for MTI’s twice-daily newsletter.

MTI photo: Soki Tamás

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