Hungarian Police Push To Raise Terrorism Charges Against Syrian In Volved In Sept Protest On Border

  • 28 Jan 2016 8:00 AM
Hungarian Police Push To Raise Terrorism Charges Against Syrian In Volved In Sept Protest On Border
Police have proposed indicting a Syrian national who took part in clashes with police on the southern border near Röszke last September on charges of terrorism. The national police noted in a statement on its website that 40-year-old Ahmed H is suspected of terrorism in the form of assaulting operational police officers and crossing Hungary’s border illegally as part of a riot.

Police said they have concluded their investigation in connection with the September incident and have recommended that the Szeged prosecutor’s office charge the migrant with terrorism.

On September 16, one day after Hungary sealed its border and tightened migration laws, a group of migrants clashed with police on the southern border after attempting to forcefully cross into Hungary from Serbia.

Police said then that Ahmed H attempted to rile up the crowd by shouting chants through a megaphone.

The national police said earlier it had uncovered information suggesting that Ahmed H has ties to an Islamic fundamentalist movement.

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