Govt To Finalise Structure Of New State School Manager In April

  • 25 Mar 2016 8:00 AM
Govt To Finalise Structure Of New State School Manager In April
The government will decide on the structure of the new state institution to replace central schools manager Klik next month, Klik chief Annamária Pölöskei told the daily Magyar Idők. The government’s aim is to have the new state school manager up and running by the beginning of July, Pölöskei said.

Klik will settle all of its outstanding debts by the end of the month, having already settled 8.6 billion forints (EUR 24.7m) worth of liabilities, she told the paper.

Pölöskei said that under the new school management system, centralised budgeting for schools will be replaced by bottom-up budgeting, meaning schools will have a far greater say in how they spend their money.

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MTI photo: Bruzák Noémi

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