Kohl On Europe’s ‘Historic’ Challenges After Orbán Meeting

  • 20 Apr 2016 9:00 AM
Kohl On Europe’s ‘Historic’ Challenges After Orbán Meeting
The migrant crisis is an “existential” and “historic” challenge for both Europe and the millions of people in need throughout the world, a statement released jointly by the Hungarian embassy in Berlin and former chancellor Helmut Kohl’s office said, after an informal meeting between Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Kohl.

But Europe can only take in a small minority of the people who seek refuge here, instead it must provide help to the world’s crisis-hit regions so that more and more people can achieve a better standard of living in their home countries, it said.

Orbán and Kohl said in light of recent press reports they must make it abundantly clear that constructing political divisions will not help handle the wave of migration and the millions affected, the statement added. Orbán and Kohl discussed European issues at their talks and agreed that the continent was in one of its worst periods since 1945, the statement said.

They agreed that the fate of European peoples depended on a political unity within Europe. “There is no alternative to a politically united Europe if peace and freedom should be kept in Europe and if Europe wants to take on responsibilities in the world,” it said.

About 30 people demonstrated outside Kohl’s home against Orban’s visit, while a few supporters of the German Alternative for Germany (AfD) party expressed support for Orban, according to press reports.

Source www.hungarymatters.hu - Visit Hungary Matters to sign-up for MTI’s twice-daily newsletter.

MTI photo: Szecsődi Balázs

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