10th Balaton Sound: Huge Success With A Record Number Of Visitors
- 12 Jul 2016 9:08 AM

In 2016 Balaton Sound had 12.000 more visitors than last year in total, clearly stating that the world-class acts combined with sunshine and a long and directly accessible beach is continuously a great combination for festival fans. Visitors came from 63 countries, which is also a new record and shows the international potential of the event.
The 10th Balaton Sound was crowned with birthday parties every day. Visitors could take home T-shirts from the T-shirt cannon shot on the Main Stage, but there were also more than 10.000 birthday selfies made, as well as the "candles" blown in a framework of a huge confetti party on the last night. The boat parties introduced this year, taking place on Lake Balaton in the afternoons with great DJs and fantastic atmosphere were also a huge success.
Many festivals in the world are organized by water, but there are only a few that actually happen on the water. Balaton Sound had 2000 square meters of its venues built on the lake, constantly attracting the visitors to feel the Balaton atmosphere from the closest possible range. The Jana Pier covered with sand had a great beach vibe, as well as the new Akvárium Beach, while the new Heineken Beach with a gigantic pyramid built on the water was one of the eye-catchers of the event.
This year a ferris wheel also had its debut at Balaton Sound. The 35-meter high Balaton Eye opened up a whole new perspective of the Lake and the beautiful setting.
Next year Balaton Sound will be organized at the same location, in the pretty city of Zamárdi between 28 June - 2 July, 2017.
More: http://sziget.hu/balatonsound_english/
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