Multi Age Class At American International School Budapest
- 18 Aug 2016 9:01 AM
We recognize that children thrive when their social, emotional, creative, intellectual, and physical needs are met through play.
Our Early Childhood is comprised of Multiage 3, Multiage 4 and Kindergarten groups. Our classrooms are stimulating and developmentally appropriate.
Our program emphasizes hands-on, play-based inquiry learning that supports the development of foundational literacy and mathematical skills. At AISB, children experience a stimulating and creative environment where they can learn their English language skills through a wide range of activities.
Such activities include explorations into literacy, math, science, social studies, arts and crafts, dramatic play, cooking, music, technology, and sensory play.
The Multiage classroom provides a nurturing community where students can remain with the same teachers for two years.
The Kindergarten classroom continues to support children's learning and builds the bridge to the First Grade of our Elementary School.
For details please contact
Address: 2094 Nagykovácsi, Nagykovácsi út 12.
Tel: +36 26 556 000
More: AISB