Advent Evensong, Fasori Church, 26 November
- 25 Nov 2016 8:10 AM

Originating from the monastic hours, its considerable beauty lies both in the distinctive parts of the ancient offices of Vespers and Compline as set out by Thomas Cranmer in The Book of Common Prayer, first published in 1549, and in the glorious and hugely varied musical repertoire, which spans the entire canon of Anglican cathedral music.
With its predominantly reflective and contemplative mood, it has become a wondrous antidote to the hustle and bustle of the hectic world outside as we attend carefully to the texts of the service and enjoy the magnificent music the choir performs.
So, plan now to participate in an ecumenical service of Advent Evensong. Bring family, friends, and neighbours to a beautiful and moving service at the beginning of the otherwise hectic holiday season.
Children are most welcome.
By the way, there is no sermon at Evensong - and no Offertory collection – although we will likely set out a plate for donations to cover expenses. The service lasts approximately one hour.
Saturday evening, November 26, at 5.30pm
Evangélikus Templom
Address: Városligeti fasor 17.
The Church next to the Gimnázium
Take Metró 1 to the Bajza utca stop
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