Chain Bridge Closed In Mornings This Week
- 28 Nov 2016 8:08 AM
Along with the bridge itself, several roads in the area of Chain Bridge will also be temporarily blocked off.
The route of Széchenyi tér – Lánchíd – Clark Ádám tér – Fő utca – Jégverem utca – Bem felső rakpart – Csalogány utca – Horváth utca – Margit körút will be closed from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. from November 28-30, according to Hungarian news portal
Although the gave no exact reason for the closures, the Budapest police said in response to a question from the Budapest Business Journal that they were in prepartion for the Budapest Water Summit 2016, which runs from November 28-30.
Source: BBJ
Republished with permission
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