Chain Bridge Closed In Mornings This Week

  • 28 Nov 2016 8:08 AM
Chain Bridge Closed In Mornings This Week
Hungary’s Lánchíd (Chain Bridge) will be closed temporarily from Sunday until Thursday in the morning hours, with traffic jams expected in the immediate area.

Along with the bridge itself, several roads in the area of Chain Bridge will also be temporarily blocked off.

The route of Széchenyi tér – Lánchíd – Clark Ádám tér – Fő utca – Jégverem utca – Bem felső rakpart – Csalogány utca – Horváth utca – Margit körút will be closed from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. from November 28-30, according to Hungarian news portal

Although the gave no exact reason for the closures, the Budapest police said in response to a question from the Budapest Business Journal that they were in prepartion for the Budapest Water Summit 2016, which runs from November 28-30.

Source: BBJ

Republished with permission

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