Life, Death, & Marriage: Hungary's Vital Statistics To September 2016

  • 24 Nov 2016 8:00 AM
Life, Death, & Marriage: Hungary's Vital Statistics To September 2016
In the first three quarters of 2016, 68,802 children were born, 0.2% less than in the same period last year. The number of deaths was 92,437, which meant a decrease of 7.6% compared to January–September 2015. The natural decrease was 23,635 persons, 7,525 lower than a year earlier.

In the first nine months of 2016, 68,802 children were born, which was 126 (0.2%) lower than in January–September 2015. In five months of 2016 fewer, in the other four months more children were born than one year before. Not taking into account the February leap month, the largest growth of 6.3% was registered in August, and the most significant decline of 5.9% occurred in May.

The number of deaths was 92,437 which meant 7.6% or numerically 7,651 fewer deceases than the level last year. Except the minor growth in May–June and the same value in September, substantially fewer deceases were registered in the other months of 2016 than a year earlier. The most significant decrease occurred in January–April – when the leap day adjusted number of deaths fell by 13% on average – and in July–August, when 7.3% fewer deceases were registered on average.

The number of births declined to a smaller extent and the number of deaths decreased considerably, thus the natural decrease moderated from 31,160 in January–September 2015 to 23,635 persons in the first nine months of 2016, which meant a decrease of 24%.

The 42,459 marriages registered in the first three quarters of 2016 exceeded significantly, by 10% the value a year earlier.

Especially the rise during the off-season, in February–April was considerable in the first seven months, when the adjusted number of matrimonies exceeded by 35% the value a year earlier. A setback was registered in August, the peak of the season, when the number of marriages fell by 17% compared to last year. In the background of the phenomenon is the calendar effect: this year there was one less weekend than in the same month of the previous year, and the national holiday of 20 August was also Saturday. Then the number of marriages significantly rose again by 9.4% in September compared to the previous year.

There were 9.4 live births and 12.6 deceases per thousand inhabitants. The former remained unchanged and the latter was 1.0 per mille point lower than one year before, as a result of which the rate of natural decrease dropped by 1.0 per mille point to 3.2 per mille.

The number of infant deaths was 4.0 per thousand live births in the first nine months of the year, which meant a decrease of 0.1 per mille point year-on-year. The marriage rate of 5.8 per mille was 0.6 per mille point higher than a year earlier.

Main data of vital events, January–September 2016

a) Per thousand live births.

The number of births changed differently in the regions. It increased in Northern Great Plain and Northern Hungary (by 2.2% and 1.5% respectively), remained the same in Central and Western Transdanubia, while it declined in the other regions. The extent of the decrease was the most considerable in Southern Transdanubia (1.7%).

The number of deceases fell in every region, especially in Southern Transdanubia and Southern Great Plain (by 9.2% and 8.1% respectively).

In the first three quarters of 2016, the pace of natural decrease moderated in all regions. The most significant decline (nearly 42%) was registered in Northern Great Plain because of the rise in the number of births and the considerable decrease in the number of deaths.

The number of marriages increased in all regions, in Northern Hungary and Northern Great Plain to the largest extent (by 14% and 13% respectively).

Main data of vital events by regions, January–September 2016

a) Compared to the same period of the previous year.
b) Including data which can't be broken down by regions.


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