Cooperation With Jobbik ‘Dead End’, Says Socialist Leader

  • 4 Jan 2017 8:00 AM
Cooperation With Jobbik ‘Dead End’, Says Socialist Leader
Joining forces with the Jobbik party against the ruling parties is an “ill-advised” idea and would be a “dead end for the country and for the voters”, the leader of the Socialist Party said on Tuesday.

Speaking on public Kossuth Radio, Gyula Molnár reacted to a recent suggestion by former prime minister Péter Medgyessy, and said he was “not happy” with the idea and that his party was not mulling any such cooperation.

He insisted that “(ruling) Fidesz and Jobbik seek the same but one is louder”. Jobbik issued a brief statement on Monday and said they were not ready to form an alliance with any left-wing party.

Medgyessy, head of a Socialist-Liberal government from 2002 to 2004, suggested earlier that the Socialists, leftist Democratic Coalition and Jobbik should cooperate to oust the ruling Fidesz-Christian Democrat alliance.

Republished with permission of Hungary Matters, MTI’s daily newsletter.

Realted article:
Socialists, DK & Jobbik Cooperation Is The Only Way To Oust Orban, Former PM Medgyessy Says

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