Matolcsy: US Plotted Against Hungary
- 14 Mar 2017 11:00 AM
Socialist MP Gergely Bárándy asked Matolcsy in Parliament what he had been talking about on February 22 when he told the House that the embassy of a NATO ally had endeavoured to undermine Hungary’s economic stability early in 2015.
Matolcsy replied that he was referring to the activity of André Goodfriend, the US chargé d’affaires in late 2014, as “his campaign was an unequivocal attack on the Hungarian government”.
Socialist MP László Szakács asked Matolcsy to say by what means the attack was launched and defended and whether Matolcsy reported his concerns to the intelligence agencies.
Matolcsy replied that all questions were answered at a meeting of the national security committee on March 1.
Neither the civilian nor the military secret services reported any evidence of conspiracy at that meeting, Népszava writes.
Source: Hungary Around the Clock
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MTI photo: Koszticsák Szilárd
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