Official Events Schedule For Hungary’s October 23 Holiday
- 17 Oct 2019 10:22 AM

After the student demonstrations, hundreds of thousands outside the House of Parliament listened to Imre Nagy’s speech in which he promised reforms.
The bloody volley shot into the unarmed crowd at the building of the Hungarian Radio resulted in the growth of an armed uprising by the evening.
The protesters tore down the Stalin Monument – the symbol of Communist dictatorship – on Dózsa György Road, and occupied the building of the Hungarian Radio by dawn.
22 October (Tuesday)
2.00 p.m.
Wreath-laying and commemoration at the 1956 Memorial, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Speech by Dr. Boross Péter, former prime minister
2.40 p.m.
Ceremonial procession to the commemoration event at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics
3.00 p.m.
Commemoration event at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Speeches by:
Dr. János Józsa, Rector of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Innovation and Technology Minister László Palkovics
4.30 p.m.
Memorial March
Route of the procession:
Budapest University of Technology and Economics – Szent Gellért tér – Szent Gellért rakpart – Várkert rakpart – Casino – Ybl Miklós tér – Clark Ádám tér – Fő utca – Jégverem utca – Bem rakpart – Bem tér
5.30 p.m.
Commemoration event at Bem tér
Speech by Rétvári Bence, Parliamentary State Secretary, Ministry of Human Capacities
6.00 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Concert: Csík János & the Esszencia
6.00 p.m. – 11 p.m.
Light art display on the facade of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Bem tér
23 October 2018 (Wednesday)
9.00 a.m.
Flag-raising ceremony in Kossuth tér
10.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m.
Viewing of the Holy Crown in the Parliament Building & Family Programs on Kossuth tér
7.00 p.m.
“Freedom Concert 1956” in Hall B of Millenáris
Featuring the Honey Beast, Szabó Balázs Band, Ferenczi György & Első Pesti Rackák
Related events:
“Time Gates” interactive game, from 23 October to 4 November
Lighting of candles at the Wall of Heroes, the House of Terror Museum on 23 October
From 22 October to 4 November, at tram stops and some iconic venues of the Revolution and Freedom Fight located along tram lines 4-6 and 47-49, young people acting as news vendors and dressed in period clothing will distribute newspapers featuring archive news items.
Plot 301 at the New Public Cemetery: day-long informal commemoration
MTI Photo: Szigetváry Zsolt
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