Clickforwork: 'Renting To Life, To Death'
- 24 Jan 2019 12:17 PM
You don't have to go far to see that real estate agency is the most comfortable way to choose. Convenient, because we do not need to make phone calls, or to run in incredible times to show the apartment, and also make contracts with so many people all the time.
However this has a price. We pay a deposit, but still we do not know the tenant, with whom we will have to be in touch each month. Of course, there are other trusted companies for this also, for an additional fee, and we can outsource every other things involved.
The advantage of hiring a trusted company is that they can guarantee the protection of the apartment, and they also take responsibility for the tenants. They keep an eye on the flat, and something happens they will handle it. Sounds nice, but as we know, there is no free lunch. Here neither. Must pay. A Lot.
On the contrary to these however we might think that we can manage everything that are necessary for the whole process. We write ads, take photo and answer tens of phone calls a day, patiently. Then we will make appointments to see the apartment, sometimes without any results, because the person did not come to see the flat.
If it is not like that and finally we manage to find somebody trustworthy it has so many advantages. It is always good to know the person, because we entrust our flat to this person.
Getting in touch with the person for the first time is always good, because in this way we can avoid that somebody uses the apartment unfavorably or does not pay the rent, not mentioning those cases when the damage tenants can cause is considerable, and can only be covered by selling the property.
But then how? Which way is good to choose? Because the real estate agent costs a lot, but doing everything on our own takes so many time, not mentioning that it is also dangerous, because we can easily fall apart in this long-term project.
Maybe there should be a place, a company that combines a real estate agent with our own presence. Perhaps someone should be person-centered, who doesn't leave us alone, and keeps an eye on our apartment.
A company who makes administrations, and keeps an eye on, and protects what is ours. The apartment we own. Yes, maybe this would be the solution. Combine.
We do this. Contact us and we solve everything you need when you have an apartment for renting.
It is Cickforwork. Try us.
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