Coronavirus: Easter Shopping Suggestions By Hungary's Chief Medical Officer

  • 7 Apr 2020 12:20 PM
  • Budapest Business Journal
Coronavirus: Easter Shopping Suggestions By Hungary's Chief Medical Officer
With the Easter celebrations coming up, it is even more important that people pay attention to the way they shop, Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Cecilia Müller said during the 5 April 'Operational Group' briefing regarding Coronavirus.

According to Müller, it is not generally necessary to wear protective gloves when shopping, however the cleanness and the condition of the products must be checked.

It is also recommended shoppers select just the product they need, without unnecessarily touching other goods.

For unpackaged products it is crucial to avoid the possibility of direct contact by using any means provided.

Müller also recommends that shoppers disinfect their hands immediately after completing the shopping, and wash their hands first thing after returning home.

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