Consumer Prices In Hungary Up 2.7% In December

  • 15 Jan 2021 8:16 AM
  • Budapest Business Journal
Consumer Prices In Hungary Up 2.7% In December
Consumer prices in Hungary were 2.7% higher on average in December 2020 than a year earlier, according to data released by the Central Statistical Office (KSH).

Food prices were up by 4.9% compared to December 2019, within which the price of edible oil by 13.7%, that of seasonal food items (potatoes, fresh vegetables, and fresh domestic and tropical fruits together) by 11.8%, sugar prices by 11.7%, the price of meals at canteens by 10.2%, that of other meat preparations by 7.8% and flour prices by 6.8%.

Price decrease has been measured, in case of pork by 3.9% and poultry meat by 0.9%. Alcoholic beverages and tobacco became an average 8.8%, within which tobacco 14.4% more expensive. Consumers paid 2.8% more for consumer durables and 4.5% less for motor fuels.

Prices up 0.3% compared to October 2020

Consumer prices increased by 0.3% on average compared to October 2020. Food prices were cut by 0.5%, within which other meat preparations cost 2.0%, seasonal food items (potatoes, fresh vegetables, and fruits) 1.6%, poultry meat 1.3% and milk 0.7% less, while edible oil 2.0% and sugar 1.5% more for consumers.

Alcoholic beverages and tobacco prices went up by 2.6% on average, within which tobacco prices by 5.2%. Consumers paid 3.6% more for motor fuels.

Consumer prices up 3.3% compared to 2019

Consumer prices rose by 3.3% on average, within which the highest price rise of 7.2% was measured for food. 

Alcoholic beverages and tobacco prices increased by 6.9%, the price of services by 2.9%, that of consumer durables by 1.4% and electricity, gas and other fuels prices by 0.3%. 

Clothing and footwear prices were unchanged on average, and the price of other goods lessened by 0.9%. Consumer prices were up by 3.8% on average among pensioner households.

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