Budapest Blaha Lujza Tér Renovations Start Monday, Promise Disruption

  • 9 Jul 2021 10:03 AM
  • Budapest Business Journal
Budapest Blaha Lujza Tér Renovations Start Monday, Promise Disruption
Renovation work will begin on Monday in Blaha Lujza tér in the capital, according to In the first phase, the subway will be insulated, so a more severe traffic restriction at the junction is expected for 10-12 weeks. 

The renovation of the square is expected to be completed by the end of 2022, the mayor's chief of staff, Samu Balogh, said at a news conference yesterday. 

Balogh noted that, in addition to the renovation of the square, the underpass would be re-insulated from above; therefore, one traffic lane per direction will have to be closed on Rákóczi út and Nagykörút. 

On Rákóczi út, the 2x2 lane traffic for cars will be maintained, with bus traffic assisted by traffic lights and by ensuring priority. On the Nagykörút, there will be lane restrictions for the first 10-12 weeks. 

The bike lane on the affected section will disappear during the work, he added.

Related links

Blaha Lujza Square In Budapest To Get HUF 1 Billion Renewal

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