Why Shouldn’t We Skimp On Medical Aesthetic Treatments? By Dr. Rose
- 14 May 2021 3:25 PM
Nowadays, medical aesthetic interventions, such as laser hair removal, lip filling, or even a thread lift technique developed to rejuvenate the face, which can turn the wheel of time back up to 5-10 years, are experiencing a renaissance.
These interventions are not cheap, so not surprisingly, many are trying to find more favorable ways to preserve their youth and beauty.
In several places, you may find advertisements on social media sites where beauticians or general practitioners offer a variety of medical aesthetic treatments, including lip filling or thread lifts.
What problems can arise if these procedures are not performed by a dermatologist, cosmetologist or plastic surgeon?
Because a beautician or general practitioner does not receive such an in-depth anatomical training in facial muscles and structure as a dermatologist, cosmetologist, or plastic surgeon, they may be more likely to make a mistake.
They could inject the filler too deeply, possibly injecting the b.tox or placing the facial tightening threads in the wrong place. Such mistakes may cause serious complications, from scarring, to edema, even hard to heal facial skin ulcers.
The latter sounds pretty bad, what could cause such a complication?
If the filler used to restructure the face - that is, hyaluronic acid - gets into the face’s blood vessel, it destroys the blood circulation to the tissues. In the worst case, ulcerative wounds appear on the face. This problem is very difficult to fix, often more beauty interventions are needed to get the best possible results. If the filler is not released from the blood vessel in time, perfect recovery is not guaranteed.
The question often arises, if it is cheaper to perform certain cosmetic interventions in such places, then why is it more expensive with a specialist?
After all, the filler or B.TOX costs the same for each company, right?
It should be noted that a dermatologist-cosmetologist or a plastic surgeon will receive regular in-service training, where they can learn about the latest research and development results, as well as learn the latest treatment techniques.
The knowledge of specialists is not limited to knowing how to administer b.tox or hyaluronic acid, or where to insert the temporary sutures for a thread lift, as they are also aware of the kinds of side effects and complications that can occur. They know how to correct these and, if necessary, fix them if a problem arises.
Hereby, they guarantee the interventions they perform. And that’s without talking about the equipment of specialist medical practices. So, it’s not simply about treatments in this case, but about a safe and high-quality service.
What then if someone comes to you with the complications of a medical aesthetic procedure performed elsewhere, for example, and asks you to fix it?
This is a very delicate issue, as no doctor is happy to touch another’s work. The main reason for this is that it is not possible to know exactly when and what happened during the cosmetic procedure.
The patient would obviously expect us to undo the treatment that has gone wrong and leave us with no trace of it, but this is not always the case. A specialist can only take responsibility for a correction with a clear conscience if it is required due to their own intervention, because then they are fully aware of what has happened.
In this case, what can be done for someone for whom a medical aesthetic intervention in a beauty salon has gone wrong, or who is having trouble with a doctor who is not a dermatologist, cosmetologist, or plastic surgeon?
In many cases, the best we can suggest to the patient is to wait until the effect of the absorbed substances ceases, as the temporary sutures in the skin cannot be removed, nor can the b.tox or the hyaluronic acid in the tissues be removed from one moment to the next. In fact, this can take months, but a possible correction sometimes only makes the situation worse and delays recovery.
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