Sweeping Majority of Hungarians Wants Peace – Survey Shows

  • 25 Feb 2022 6:59 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Sweeping Majority of Hungarians Wants Peace – Survey Shows
Fully 77% of Hungarians oppose the idea of Hungary, as a NATO member, sending soldiers and weapons to Ukraine, according to a Századvég Foundation survey conducted before the Russian military attack on Ukraine earlier today.

Századvég cited Prime Minister Viktor Orbán as saying that Hungary must stay out of the military conflict. It added, in turn, that “Péter Márki-Zay, the left-liberal prime ministerial candidate, did not rule out the option of Hungary sending a military mission to Ukraine.”

According to the survey, 83% of respondents were concerned about the chance of a military conflict between Russia and Ukraine while 16% said the contrary.

Fully 95% stressed the need to make every possible effort to prevent war between Russia and Ukraine while 4% said that Russia should be punished with every possible means, including military force.

 Századvég said that 77% of respondents disagreed with the proposal attributed to Márki-Zay while 19% agreed with it.

Századvég said that 86% of pro-government respondents and 57% of those supporting the opposition were against the deployment of Hungarian soldiers and weapons in Ukraine.

Survey (in Hungarian) available here

Photo: courtesy of Századvég

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