Radical Opposition Mi Hazánk Party Slams Hungary’s New Gov’t Structure

  • 18 May 2022 9:56 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Radical Opposition Mi Hazánk Party Slams Hungary’s New Gov’t Structure
Dóra Dúró, deputy leader of the radical opposition Mi Hazánk (Our Homeland) party, said on Tuesday that the structure of Viktor Orbán’s incoming government failed to address the needs or priorities of Hungarian society.

“Family policy, education, health care, youth, children, and sports have not even been mentioned in the law outlining the new ministries,” Dúró said, adding that “this clearly reflects the Orbán government’s priority of values”.

Dúró also slammed the ruling parties for eliminating the post of minister for family affairs while the country’s reproduction rate had dropped once again.

Dúró connected this with the vaccine campaign, saying the drop came “exactly nine months after the start of mass inoculations against coronavirus”. Mi Hazánk’s experts will do research to ascertain “if there is a link between the two developments”, she said.

Meanwhile, Dúró said employees of the public sector would lose out because the new government was unconcerned by “the number of areas suffering from low pay and labour shortages”.

Also, Dúró called it “outrageous” that Antal Rogán, the prime minister’s cabinet chief, will be in charge of the secret services, whose activities have so far been overseen by three ministries.

Rogán is “unsuited” to the task, she insisted.

MTI Photo: Szilárd Koszticsák

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