Hungarian Parliament Passes Anti-Corruption Laws to Satisfy Conditions for EU Funds

  • 7 Oct 2022 7:28 AM
Hungarian Parliament Passes Anti-Corruption Laws to Satisfy Conditions for EU Funds
Four legislative changes required to comply with European Commision conditions to obtain EU funds easily passed Parliament on Tuesday, writes Népszava. But amendments proposed by the opposition in parliamentary committees were brushed aside by the Fidesz-KDNP governing parties.

The first motion on the topic passed with 151 votes for versus 12 against and 19 abstentions, while the second motion received 150 votes for, 12 against, and 19 abstentions.

Among opposition party MPs present in the chamber, Momentum and Jobbik voted for the proposals, while DK voted no. MSZP, Dialogue, and Our Homeland abstained, and LMP did not take part in the vote.

The four legislative proposals that passed were:

An amendment to the legislative act, in accordance with the government’s pledge to submit 90% of draft laws to public consultation.

A law providing funding for on-the-spot checks by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF).

A law on controlling the use of EU budgetary funds, which will set up the Integrity Authority, tasked to protect the financial interests of the EU, and the Anti-Corruption Working Group, which will offer proposals in this regard.

Another bill eliminates requesting compensation for “disproportionate use of labor resources” for public interest data requests. In the future, the government will set by decree the maximum amount that can be requested to copy and deliver documents.

In September, the European Commission proposed suspending 65% of Hungary’s cohesion funds over rule of law violations in the country that posed a threat to the joint EU budget.

Related links

EC Proposes Suspending 65% of Cohesion Funds To Hungary

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