"Attention! This Food Contains Insect Protein!” - Hungary Rolls Out New Labelling Practices
- 27 Mar 2023 7:28 AM
- Hungary Matters

Nagy said that such food products must now be packaged with a message to consumers: “Attention! This food contains insect protein!”
“With [the measure], the government wants to protect Hungarian consumers from foods containing insect protein cleared by Brussels in the European Union,” he added.
He noted that Hungary was the only EU member that did not back an initiative to allow foods containing insect protein onto the common consumer market.
That initiative “puts our gastronomic traditions and eating habits in danger”, he said, adding that Hungary faces a shortage of neither food nor protein.
“Hungarian farmers have always supplied Hungarians with fresh food of high quality made from the best ingredients.” Nagy noted that food companies have a three-month grace period to comply with the new rules.
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