Car Fuel Prices in Hungary Fall to Neighbouring Countries' Average

  • 9 May 2024 6:44 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Car Fuel Prices in Hungary Fall to Neighbouring Countries' Average
Economy Minister Márton Nagy told reporters yesterday that the government is not planning any new measures to reduce retail fuel prices after distributors “voluntarily” reduced their prices.

"The government determined that with the current price reductions we have reached the average of the neighbouring countries, so, if I may say so, there is order,” he said. “Of course, order must be maintained, which means that prices must also be kept at the level of neighbouring countries".

Nagy noted that another price reduction was announced on Wednesday, so the pump prices will be Ft 616 per litre for 95-octane fuel, and Ft 607 per litre for diesel from Friday.

According to the minister, the price of petrol has fallen by 5% or Ft 34 per litre compared to the peak in April, and the price of diesel is down by 8% or Ft 54 compared to the peak value in mid-February.


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