“Food Assistance for Homeless People” Project Launched in Hungary Worth HUF 8.5 Billion

  • 13 Jun 2024 8:20 AM
  • Hungary Matters
“Food Assistance for Homeless People” Project Launched in Hungary Worth HUF 8.5 Billion
On average, 4,200 meals will be distributed at 88 locations around Hungary every day under the arrangements of a 8.5 billion forint (EUR 22m) scheme to provide food and health assistance to the homeless, a ministry official said.

Dénes Sándor Nemcsok, deputy state secretary at the ministry of public administration and regional development, told the press at the project launch event that it was planned to run for five years under the arrangements of the Széchenyi Plan Plus, and it would be financed 90% by the European Union and 10% by Hungary.

The most important part of the scheme dubbed “Food assistance for homeless people” is providing meals and connected measures aimed to improve their quality of life, he added.


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