Hungarian Film Inspired by Kabul Evacuation Starts Shooting
- 11 Sep 2024 7:23 AM

The film, with the working title "Operation Kabul", is based on the true story of operation Shaman Shield, when Hungarian soldiers evacuated 540 people, including 180 children, from Afghanistan as NATO forces withdrew.
Shooting started early in August and is expected to wind up in the second week of November, producer Tamas Lajos told MTI. A release date is planned for the autumn of 2025, he added.
The film, directed by Zsombor Dyga and a production of Szupermodern Studio, was awarded 2.8 billion forints (EUR 7m) from the National Film Institute.
The Hungarian Defence Forces are providing consulting support for the film and co-production partners are Sarkanyok Produkcio and the Media Service Support and Asset Management Fund (MTVA).
MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.
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