Deposit-Return System in Hungary Reaches Half a Billion Milestone

  • 21 Oct 2024 6:44 AM
Deposit-Return System in Hungary Reaches Half a Billion Milestone
Half a billion bottles and cans have gone through Hungary's new deposit-return system (DRS), MOHU, a unit of Hungarian oil and gas company MOL that has a nationwide municipal waste management concession said.

MOHU noted that more than 3bn beverages in bottles and cans are sold each year. The goal is to boost the recycling rate for that packaging to at least 90pc within three years, it added.

The DRS operates at 3,700 locations around the country, including 1,300 where returns are manual.

Paper vouchers for in-store purchases with a value of more than HUF 20bn have been issued in the DRS. Between 10pc and 15pc of return refunds are transferred directly to consumers' bank accounts.

The DRS application has been downloaded more than 1 million times.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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