Why Full Ban on Airbnb Style Short-Term Rentals in Budapest Now Opposed by Professional Associations

  • 7 Oct 2024 12:32 PM
Why Full Ban on Airbnb Style Short-Term Rentals in Budapest Now Opposed by Professional Associations
Twenty-six professional organisations have published their position against a full out ban on short-term rentals in the capital on Turizmus.com.

Acknowledging that the matter of short-term rentals was a housing and social issue as well as a matter affecting tourism, the associations recommended the government seek a "compromise between the current regulations and a full out ban" on homestays.

They argued that tourism in the capital needed "sharing economy" accommodations favoured by travellers adopting the "be like a local" trend. A full out ban would be "legal nonsense" and "economically irrational", they added.

They warned that a full out ban would result in "big losses" for catering establishments and tourism attractions in the capital, as well as for Liszt Ferenc International Airport.

The associations pressed for a rethink of regulations on short-term rentals based on best practices in other big cities in Europe, surveys and studies.

A referendum showing support for a ban on homestays was recently held in one of the capital's central districts.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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