National Day of Mourning in Hungary as 1848/49 Anti-Habsburg Martyrs Commemorated

  • 7 Oct 2024 12:24 PM
National Day of Mourning in Hungary as 1848/49 Anti-Habsburg Martyrs Commemorated
Hungary's national flag was hoisted then lowered to half-mast in front of Parliament on Sunday morning as a tribute to the leaders of the country's anti-Habsburg revolution and war of independence who were executed on this day in 1849.

The ceremony was attended by Defence Minister Kristof Szalay-Bobrovniczky, Gabor Borondi, the chief of staff of the Hungarian Armed Forces, and other government officials.

October 6 has been observed as a national day of mourning since 2001 in memory of 13 high-ranking officers of the Hungarian army who were executed in Arad, now in Romania, and count Lajos Batthyany, prime minister of the revolutionary government, executed in Pest on the same day.

Commemorations continued at Budapest's Fiumei Street Cemetery, where Batthyany was laid to rest.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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