Elena Boskov-Kovacs, CEO & Co-Founder, Blueprint Energy Solutions

  • 13 Aug 2024 11:02 AM
Elena Boskov-Kovacs, CEO & Co-Founder, Blueprint Energy Solutions
Elena Boskov-Kovacs is an entrepreneur with nearly two decades of experience in the energy sector.

She has served for the past couple of years as Chairwoman of expert working group of European Technology and Innovation Platform for Smart Networks, founded by European Commission in order to support development of EU long term energy transition vision, roadmap and financing.

Born in Serbia, today she is the CEO and co-founder of Blueprint Energy Solutions, a Vienna-based think-tank that drives energy projects for large utilities and energy companies across Central Europe.

Her work bridges the gap between technology and policy, driving impactful change towards a sustainable and secure energy future in Europe.

Recent professional interview available here.

1. When did you arrive in Hungary and what brought you here?

I arrived in Hungary almost a decade ago, initially without longterm plans. My children are part Hungarian and I hoped that here they may get the chance to connect and build a family circle with some of their Hungarian relatives living here. Today however they are deeply embedded in expat community that became our extended family since they study in English and have friends from many different countries.

2. Have you ever been an expatriate elsewhere?

Yes, before Hungary, at the beginning of my career, I spent time in Thailand and Slovenia, where I was deeply involved in EU electricity markets and early stages of electric vehicle development. I still travel frequently and got quite the collection of power adapters from different countries now.

3. What surprised you most about Hungary?

I was pleasantly surprised by how much Hungary manages to blend the old with the new. You can be sipping coffee in a centuries-old café and then step into a high tech smart building, powered by the latest technology. And Budapest, for a European capital, is indeed a very safe and family-friendly city.

4. Friends are in Budapest for the weekend - what must they absolutely see and do?

Besides the must-see Buda Castle and Bazilika, I always recommend a boat ride on the Danube at night (or at least a rakpart drive). This is a must—seeing the Parliament all lit up is breathtaking. And of course, I’d also take them to 7th district nightlife area for the quintessential Budapest experience!

5. What is your favourite Hungarian food?

I have a soft spot for töltött káposzta (stuffed cabbage), as we have something similar in Serbia (called :”szarma”). It’s the kind of hearty comfort food that you make in bulk for a large family gathering and feels like a warm hug on a cold day. So whenever I’m feeling nostalgic and miss my mom’s cuisine – I indulge.

6. What is never missing from your refrigerator?

Always stocked with seasonal fruits and sources of protein—energy for the mind, body, and spirit!.

7. What is your favourite Hungarian word?

“Csillag,” which means a star. It’s just a beautiful word, and it sounds like a sprinkle of magic.

8. What do you miss most from home?

The mountains. I used to spend my summers and winters with family in a region with towering peaks, so I sometimes miss that dramatic landscape. But Budapest’s hills offer a nice change of pace.

9. What career other than yours would you love to pursue?

I’ve always thought it would be fascinating to be an architect. Actually since recently, after decades of working mostly with large energy corporations I am very fortunate to finally be able to help fund and implement pilot projects with green cities and communities that combine renewable energy with the latest in the building technology. I love preserving the soul and charm of old historical European neighbourhoods, helping them produce their own energy and sometimes sell excess to the grids.

10. What's a job you would definitely never want?

They say never say never, but I definitely could not go back to 9 to 5 mindset or a job. My current career completely aligns with my values and I love the topics, projects and especially people I get to work with.

11. Where did you spend your last vacation?

I spent it in the south of Spain, soaking in nature and recharging. There’s nothing like hiking through Andalusian landscapes and being surrounded by the ocean or the mediterranean.

12. Where do you hope to spend your next holiday?

I’m eyeing the Norwegian fjords—renewable energy inspiration combined with breathtaking scenery. But Japan is very tempting as well.

13. Apart from temptation, what can't you resist?

Coffee! It's the fuel behind every innovation. I firmly believe that the secret to anything might just be hiding in that next perfect espresso shot.

14. What was your favourite band, film, or hobby as a teen?

Queen. Freddie Mercury’s energy could power a small city! But also Indiana Jones movies – there is still a bit of a rebel inside me who wants to travel and discover the world.

15. Red or white?

Spanish reds, for sure - and for local whites, I’m still a rookie discovering what Hungary has to offer (and I rely on guidance of fellow expats from BorToDoor place).

16. Books or films?

Books, though I do love a good film. But there’s something about getting lost in the pages of a well-written book that nothing else can quite match. Given how much time I spend in front of a work screen, in free time I prefer black and white paper pages, especially those that challenge conventional thinking.

17. Morning person or night person?

Definitely a morning person. There’s something about the quiet of the early hours that helps me focus and set the tone for the day.

18. Which social issue do you feel most strongly about?

I’m passionate about promoting sustainable energy solutions, but I also feel strongly about education and its role in driving innovation. Empowering the next generation with the knowledge and tools to create a cleaner, greener future is essential.

19. Buda or Pest?

Buda  - it's calm, green, and offers the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle. Plus, the views from the hills are unbeatable, especially when you’re reflecting on big ideas or simply need to detach.

20. What would you say is your personal motto?

"Create the future you want to live in."

  • How does this interview make you feel?