167 result(s) for case study
Labor Code For Managers Blended Learning Program Launched In Budapest
- 5 Oct 2012 4:00 AM
- tech
For the first time in Hungary, a Labor Code for Managers Blended Learning Program was developed by Innotica Group, a leading e-learning and knowledge management provider of CEE, in cooperation with bpv - JÁDI NÉMETH Attorneys at Law, an international law firm providing premium legal services.
Xpat Opinion: Boycott The 2014 Hungarian Elections?
- 17 Sep 2012 9:00 AM
- current affairs
There are hundreds of political analysts and commentators in Hungary whose only job is to follow politics as it is unfolding. Admittedly, the information avalanche makes it increasingly difficult to keep up with the entire spectrum.
Xpat Opinion: What Really Happened? Azeri-Hungarian Negotiations
- 4 Sep 2012 9:00 AM
- current affairs
Ever since Magyar Nemzet received a facsimile of the Azeri promises concerning Ramil Safarov’s continued prison sentence, people in the opposition press kept asking why the Hungarian government was silent on the issue. If the Azeris went back on their word, why don’t the Hungarians protest and condemn the action of Azerbaijan?
CEU Business School Budapest: Prof. Kisilowski Wins Award From Academy Of Management
- 16 Aug 2012 9:00 AM
- business
“Bulldogs under the Carpet” – a multimedia case study series authored by Maciej Kisilowski – Assistant Professor of Law & Public Management and Co-Director of the Initiative for Regulatory Innovation – won a prestigious award from the Academy of Management – the world’s main association of management scholars. Professor Kisilowski’s case was chosen from among submissions from all over the world ...
Xpat Opinion: Charles Gati On The Orbán Government And Conspiracy Theories
- 16 Jul 2012 1:00 AM
- current affairs
This interview with Charles Gati was conducted by Gábor Horváth, deputy editor-in-chief of Népszabadság and appeared in the July 15th issue of the paper.
Xpat Opinion: Constitutional Renewal Must Be Done By Hungarians For Hungarians
- 13 Jul 2012 1:00 AM
- current affairs
A conversation between two consitutional legal scholars: Kim Lane Scheppele, Princeton University and Gábor Halmai, ELTE Budapest and Princeton University.
Hungarian Gov's Response To Transparency International’s Report
- 7 Jun 2012 9:08 AM
- current affairs
Hungarian governments in the last twenty years combined have not done as much for preventing and reducing corruption and for achieving accountability as the government currently in office has in the past two years. We acknowledge with regret that this fact has been omitted from the organisation’s report, and we are therefore unable to embrace or agree with most of its findings.
Xpat Opinion: Hungary, A Nation At War Within
- 6 Jun 2012 8:56 AM
- current affairs
"Only this morning I heard a short interview with one of the political scientists of Méltányosság Intézet. “Méltányosság” can be translated as fairness, fair-mindedness, or even impartiality. In any case, this particular associate of the institute was studying the seemingly entrenched inability of Hungarians to conduct civilized and rational dialogue with people who hold opposing views. Not only ...
Invitation: 'Law-Ful' Learning Party, Budapest, 26 May
- 25 May 2012 9:00 AM
- community & culture
What could be old and new, religious and secular, written and unwritten? The meaning of the words: rule, regulation and order are very close to each other. Did you get it? Your logic was right. The topic of Savuot this year is: the law – in every possible sense. Savout celebrates the Giving of the Torah. This time we spend the entire night with studying; this is our way to rectify a mistake ...
Labor Code For Managers Blended Learning Program Launched In Budapest
- 5 Oct 2012 4:00 AM
- tech
For the first time in Hungary, a Labor Code for Managers Blended Learning Program was developed by Innotica Group, a leading e-learning and knowledge management provider of CEE, in cooperation with bpv - JÁDI NÉMETH Attorneys at Law, an international law firm providing premium legal services.
Xpat Opinion: Boycott The 2014 Hungarian Elections?
- 17 Sep 2012 9:00 AM
- current affairs
There are hundreds of political analysts and commentators in Hungary whose only job is to follow politics as it is unfolding. Admittedly, the information avalanche makes it increasingly difficult to keep up with the entire spectrum.
Xpat Opinion: What Really Happened? Azeri-Hungarian Negotiations
- 4 Sep 2012 9:00 AM
- current affairs
Ever since Magyar Nemzet received a facsimile of the Azeri promises concerning Ramil Safarov’s continued prison sentence, people in the opposition press kept asking why the Hungarian government was silent on the issue. If the Azeris went back on their word, why don’t the Hungarians protest and condemn the action of Azerbaijan?
CEU Business School Budapest: Prof. Kisilowski Wins Award From Academy Of Management
- 16 Aug 2012 9:00 AM
- business
“Bulldogs under the Carpet” – a multimedia case study series authored by Maciej Kisilowski – Assistant Professor of Law & Public Management and Co-Director of the Initiative for Regulatory Innovation – won a prestigious award from the Academy of Management – the world’s main association of management scholars. Professor Kisilowski’s case was chosen from among submissions from all over the world ...
Xpat Opinion: Charles Gati On The Orbán Government And Conspiracy Theories
- 16 Jul 2012 1:00 AM
- current affairs
This interview with Charles Gati was conducted by Gábor Horváth, deputy editor-in-chief of Népszabadság and appeared in the July 15th issue of the paper.
Xpat Opinion: Constitutional Renewal Must Be Done By Hungarians For Hungarians
- 13 Jul 2012 1:00 AM
- current affairs
A conversation between two consitutional legal scholars: Kim Lane Scheppele, Princeton University and Gábor Halmai, ELTE Budapest and Princeton University.
Hungarian Gov's Response To Transparency International’s Report
- 7 Jun 2012 9:08 AM
- current affairs
Hungarian governments in the last twenty years combined have not done as much for preventing and reducing corruption and for achieving accountability as the government currently in office has in the past two years. We acknowledge with regret that this fact has been omitted from the organisation’s report, and we are therefore unable to embrace or agree with most of its findings.
Xpat Opinion: Hungary, A Nation At War Within
- 6 Jun 2012 8:56 AM
- current affairs
"Only this morning I heard a short interview with one of the political scientists of Méltányosság Intézet. “Méltányosság” can be translated as fairness, fair-mindedness, or even impartiality. In any case, this particular associate of the institute was studying the seemingly entrenched inability of Hungarians to conduct civilized and rational dialogue with people who hold opposing views. Not only ...
Invitation: 'Law-Ful' Learning Party, Budapest, 26 May
- 25 May 2012 9:00 AM
- community & culture
What could be old and new, religious and secular, written and unwritten? The meaning of the words: rule, regulation and order are very close to each other. Did you get it? Your logic was right. The topic of Savuot this year is: the law – in every possible sense. Savout celebrates the Giving of the Torah. This time we spend the entire night with studying; this is our way to rectify a mistake ...