208 result(s) for common language
Free Concert, Terrace of Műcsarnok Budapest, 31 July
- 28 Jul 2021 2:15 PM
- classical
On summer weekends, a formation of Voices of Budapest gives concerts on the steps of the Műcsarnok: old Pest chansons and songs accompanied by a tango accordion.
The mini performances will take place on July 31, at 15:15 pm - all of which are free to attend.
Contributors: Éva Szilágyi, Attila Bardóczy singers, Péter Berec tango accordion.
"The Voices of Budapest concert series was ...
Free Concerts on Terrace of Műcsarnok, 28 & 29 August
- 22 Jul 2021 11:50 AM
- community & culture
On summer weekends, a formation of Voices of Budapest gives concerts on the steps of the Műcsarnok: old Pest chansons and songs accompanied by a tango accordion.
Compagnie Pal Frenak: Fig_Ht, National Dance Theatre, 29 June
- 29 Jun 2021 7:00 PM
- contemporary
The newest creation of Compagnie Pál Frenák and R_Dance Formation (common platform with the artistic participation of the dancers) was inspired by the earth-shattering challenges of 2020, since in FrenÁk’s concepts it always is a recurring question how we can find our way out of a seemingly impossible situation.
The creation aims to follow the process of getting through the social problems ...
"Let Us Preserve Cultural & Linguistic Diversity", Says President Áder
- 17 Jun 2021 10:03 AM
- hungarymatters.hu
- community & culture
Preserving linguistic and cultural diversity is an interest of all nations, President János Áder said at the World Congress of Finno-Ugric Peoples in Tartu, Estonia.
Anniversary Of Hungary's EU Integration Marked In English By Justice Minister
- 3 May 2021 8:06 AM
- hungarymatters.hu
- current affairs
Justice Minister Judit Varga marked the anniversary of Hungary’s joining the European Union on May, 2004, on Saturday.
Top 10+1 Virtual Exhibitions Now On In Budapest
- 3 Apr 2021 8:44 AM
- https://nowudapest.com/
- community & culture
You can currently see many of Budapest's best exhibitions online, or walk through the museum's buildings from the comfort of your own living room.
Meet Hungary's 'Lazy Women' Challenging 'Obsession With Productivity'
- 29 Mar 2021 7:01 AM
- https://kafkadesk.org/
- community & culture
One year ago, as the world was adjusting to the spread of a new virus and unprecedented government shutdowns and isolations schemes, the Lazy Women appeared in a small corner of the Internet.
Interview 2: Jerome Simpson, Programme Officer, European Institute of Innovation and Technology
- 12 Jan 2021 10:00 AM
1. What’s been happening at work and at home since your first Xpat Interview?
Martin Coulam, Supply Chain, Space Range & Display Director, Tesco Central Europe
- 28 Dec 2020 12:50 PM
1. What’s been happening at work and at home since your most recent Xpat Interview?
Free Concert, Terrace of Műcsarnok Budapest, 31 July
- 28 Jul 2021 2:15 PM
- classical
On summer weekends, a formation of Voices of Budapest gives concerts on the steps of the Műcsarnok: old Pest chansons and songs accompanied by a tango accordion.
The mini performances will take place on July 31, at 15:15 pm - all of which are free to attend.
Contributors: Éva Szilágyi, Attila Bardóczy singers, Péter Berec tango accordion.
"The Voices of Budapest concert series was ...
Free Concerts on Terrace of Műcsarnok, 28 & 29 August
- 22 Jul 2021 11:50 AM
- community & culture
On summer weekends, a formation of Voices of Budapest gives concerts on the steps of the Műcsarnok: old Pest chansons and songs accompanied by a tango accordion.
Compagnie Pal Frenak: Fig_Ht, National Dance Theatre, 29 June
- 29 Jun 2021 7:00 PM
- contemporary
The newest creation of Compagnie Pál Frenák and R_Dance Formation (common platform with the artistic participation of the dancers) was inspired by the earth-shattering challenges of 2020, since in FrenÁk’s concepts it always is a recurring question how we can find our way out of a seemingly impossible situation.
The creation aims to follow the process of getting through the social problems ...
"Let Us Preserve Cultural & Linguistic Diversity", Says President Áder
- 17 Jun 2021 10:03 AM
- hungarymatters.hu
- community & culture
Preserving linguistic and cultural diversity is an interest of all nations, President János Áder said at the World Congress of Finno-Ugric Peoples in Tartu, Estonia.
Anniversary Of Hungary's EU Integration Marked In English By Justice Minister
- 3 May 2021 8:06 AM
- hungarymatters.hu
- current affairs
Justice Minister Judit Varga marked the anniversary of Hungary’s joining the European Union on May, 2004, on Saturday.
Top 10+1 Virtual Exhibitions Now On In Budapest
- 3 Apr 2021 8:44 AM
- https://nowudapest.com/
- community & culture
You can currently see many of Budapest's best exhibitions online, or walk through the museum's buildings from the comfort of your own living room.
Meet Hungary's 'Lazy Women' Challenging 'Obsession With Productivity'
- 29 Mar 2021 7:01 AM
- https://kafkadesk.org/
- community & culture
One year ago, as the world was adjusting to the spread of a new virus and unprecedented government shutdowns and isolations schemes, the Lazy Women appeared in a small corner of the Internet.
Interview 2: Jerome Simpson, Programme Officer, European Institute of Innovation and Technology
- 12 Jan 2021 10:00 AM
1. What’s been happening at work and at home since your first Xpat Interview?
Martin Coulam, Supply Chain, Space Range & Display Director, Tesco Central Europe
- 28 Dec 2020 12:50 PM
1. What’s been happening at work and at home since your most recent Xpat Interview?