570 result(s) for restore
Migrant Minors Allowed To Stay In Hungary Even If Asylum Rejected
- 12 Aug 2015 3:58 AM
- current affairs
Around 7,000 migrant minors without accompanying adults have been registered in Hungary this year, and even if they fail to meet the criteria for asylum they will not be expelled, daily Magyar Hírlap said. The immigration office told the paper that end-June figures showed there were 6,529 refugee children without accompanying adults. They are placed in child protection institutions and a guardian ...
Interview 4: Diego Massidda, Former CEO, Vodafone Hungary
- 29 Jul 2015 12:00 PM
1. Since we last met Vodafone Hungary abolished roaming charges - how is this working out for customers, and your business? Have other companies followed your lead?
Hungary’s Far Right Hassles Refugee Aid Group
- 7 Jul 2015 5:00 AM
- current affairs
Some 50-60 members of the far-right group Betyársereg went to the Szeged train station on Monday to confront activists of MigSzol who are helping asylum seekers. After police arrived in strength the far right group split in to two groups. The situation remained tense, but no open conflict occurred.
Hungarian Gov’t Will Invite Ideas For City Park
- 3 Jul 2015 9:00 AM
- property
The cabinet has reached a decision on the first stage of the Liget project, which will see a series of new museums built on the edge of Budapest’s City Park, János Lázár announced yesterday. He said ideas will be invited for redesigning the park and that some buildings will be restored and new ones built. The park’s Vajdahunyad Castle, home to the Agriculture Museum, will be restored completely.
WWF Hungary Promotes Big Jump On 3 July
- 2 Jul 2015 5:04 AM
- current affairs
It has now been a tradition for ten years to celebrate European rivers and wetlands with a common big splash into water. This year, under the organisation of WWF Hungary, Hungary joins again the challenge and calls on the Hungarian municipalities to jump on 12 July at 3 pm.
“Moustache King” Elected At Festival On Hungary's Great Plain
- 28 May 2015 9:00 AM
- community & culture
The southern town of Kiskunfélegyháza hosted the region’s seventh Moustache Festival this past weekend, the local news website Baon.hu reported.
The Art Of Garden, Károlyi Masion, Hungary, 5 - 7 June
- 26 May 2015 9:00 AM
- property
‘The Art of the Garden’ “11th Contemporary European Horticulture and Art of Garden Show” Exhibition and Sale in the 50 ha historic restored park of Károlyi Mansion, Fehérvárcsurgó, Hungary between 5th-6th-7th June 2015
Hungary Stands Up For The European Ideal Of The Freedom Of Expression
- 26 May 2015 9:00 AM
- current affairs
Hungary stands up for the European ideal of the freedom of expression, and wants to decide for itself whether it wants immigrants or not, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán stated in the debate on the situation in Hungary held at a plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg last week.
Hungary’s PM: Issue Of Death Penalty Should Be Up To EU Member States
- 8 May 2015 4:00 AM
- current affairs
The issue of whether to introduce the death penalty should be up to individual EU member states, the premier said in his regular Friday interview on public radio. “We want to canvass public opinion in Europe on whether introducing the death penalty should be returned to the legal competence of nation states,” Viktor Orbán said.
Migrant Minors Allowed To Stay In Hungary Even If Asylum Rejected
- 12 Aug 2015 3:58 AM
- current affairs
Around 7,000 migrant minors without accompanying adults have been registered in Hungary this year, and even if they fail to meet the criteria for asylum they will not be expelled, daily Magyar Hírlap said. The immigration office told the paper that end-June figures showed there were 6,529 refugee children without accompanying adults. They are placed in child protection institutions and a guardian ...
Interview 4: Diego Massidda, Former CEO, Vodafone Hungary
- 29 Jul 2015 12:00 PM
1. Since we last met Vodafone Hungary abolished roaming charges - how is this working out for customers, and your business? Have other companies followed your lead?
Hungary’s Far Right Hassles Refugee Aid Group
- 7 Jul 2015 5:00 AM
- current affairs
Some 50-60 members of the far-right group Betyársereg went to the Szeged train station on Monday to confront activists of MigSzol who are helping asylum seekers. After police arrived in strength the far right group split in to two groups. The situation remained tense, but no open conflict occurred.
Hungarian Gov’t Will Invite Ideas For City Park
- 3 Jul 2015 9:00 AM
- property
The cabinet has reached a decision on the first stage of the Liget project, which will see a series of new museums built on the edge of Budapest’s City Park, János Lázár announced yesterday. He said ideas will be invited for redesigning the park and that some buildings will be restored and new ones built. The park’s Vajdahunyad Castle, home to the Agriculture Museum, will be restored completely.
WWF Hungary Promotes Big Jump On 3 July
- 2 Jul 2015 5:04 AM
- current affairs
It has now been a tradition for ten years to celebrate European rivers and wetlands with a common big splash into water. This year, under the organisation of WWF Hungary, Hungary joins again the challenge and calls on the Hungarian municipalities to jump on 12 July at 3 pm.
“Moustache King” Elected At Festival On Hungary's Great Plain
- 28 May 2015 9:00 AM
- community & culture
The southern town of Kiskunfélegyháza hosted the region’s seventh Moustache Festival this past weekend, the local news website Baon.hu reported.
The Art Of Garden, Károlyi Masion, Hungary, 5 - 7 June
- 26 May 2015 9:00 AM
- property
‘The Art of the Garden’ “11th Contemporary European Horticulture and Art of Garden Show” Exhibition and Sale in the 50 ha historic restored park of Károlyi Mansion, Fehérvárcsurgó, Hungary between 5th-6th-7th June 2015
Hungary Stands Up For The European Ideal Of The Freedom Of Expression
- 26 May 2015 9:00 AM
- current affairs
Hungary stands up for the European ideal of the freedom of expression, and wants to decide for itself whether it wants immigrants or not, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán stated in the debate on the situation in Hungary held at a plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg last week.
Hungary’s PM: Issue Of Death Penalty Should Be Up To EU Member States
- 8 May 2015 4:00 AM
- current affairs
The issue of whether to introduce the death penalty should be up to individual EU member states, the premier said in his regular Friday interview on public radio. “We want to canvass public opinion in Europe on whether introducing the death penalty should be returned to the legal competence of nation states,” Viktor Orbán said.