Car Buyers in Hungary Prefer Used Vehicles Over 6 Years Old, New Survey Shows

  • 10 Jan 2025 9:19 AM
  • Budapest Business Journal
Car Buyers in Hungary Prefer Used Vehicles Over 6 Years Old, New Survey Shows
Two-thirds of those planning to buy a car in Hungary would rather purchase a used auto, with the average being a vehicle older than six years, according to a representative online survey published by Das WeltAuto.

The survey found that 38.1% of respondents would buy a car that is 6–10 years old, but 23.6% are thinking of choosing an auto older than 16 years.

At the same time, 19.4% are looking for a vehicle younger than five years old.

The statement points out that consumer confidence in the private sector started to increase in the last quarter of last year, which is why almost a quarter of car owners are considering buying a new auto in the next one to two years.

The survey was conducted among individuals over 18 who plan to buy a car within one or two years.

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