Chamber Music, 'Tuned For Grand Hall', Liszt Academy, 5 March


Chamber Music, 'Tuned For Grand Hall', Liszt Academy, 5 March
The marvellous thing about chamber music is that one never knows what will be created on stage, even in the case of such well-known repertoire pieces as the cello-piano sonatas of Brahms and Richard Strauss.

The interaction of these two internationally renowned musicians promises a never-to-be-repeated, ‘here and now’ experience. Both are dedicated to chamber music and sensitive to all its vibrations. Jiyeong Mun is a simply extraordinary talent: a few years ago, the South Korean artist won two top competitions, the Geneva Competition and the Busoni Competition, back to back.

It is sufficient to hear just a few bars of any of her recordings to know that one is in the presence of art characterized by refined taste, moderation and naturalness.

The art of László Fenyő is similarly accompanied by breathtaking technique and unpretentiousness; the Hungarian left the world of competitions a long time ago and has by now built himself a significant solo career, he has appeared at the very best concert venues in Europe and overseas, and has given numerous massively successful concerts with the greatest orchestras.
Place: Liszt Academy
Address: 1061 Budapest, Liszt Ferenc tér 8.
Phone: +36 1 321-0690
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