DAAD Gathering / 'Mini O.Z.O.R.A. Fest', Dádpuszta, 7 August


DAAD Gathering / 'Mini O.Z.O.R.A. Fest', Dádpuszta, 7 August
Wanderers, artists and music lovers first came here for the 1999 solar eclipse, and the Valley has since been home to O.Z.O.R.A for almost two decades. In the meantime a small village grew out of the ground again; with buildings, infrastructure, roads, restaurants, pubs, private plumbing, shower stalls.

The idea of ​​another event, another few more days, during which the fields could be filled with those who long here, has been forming for a long time.

Thoughts were followed by decisions and deeds, and it has now become certain that Daad Festival is setting off this summer.

The weekend we’re planning will clearly be different, but still similar in spirit to the events the grounds have hosted so far, and a whole new experience altogether.

Life will fill the Dome, the Dragon’s Nest, the Cooking Grove…
Place: Dádpuszta
Address: https://www.facebook.com/events/s/daad-gathering/293905669033641/
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