Psychotrip!, Gödör Club Budapest, 3 February


Psychotrip!, Gödör Club Budapest, 3 February
The big guns of the wild Tilos New Year's Eve party, Bobby Shyze and Dj Titusz, return to Gödör, this time in addition with Bernathy and Naut83 to hit it with a big shovel - now in the spirit of the carnival season and with an amazing psy-acid live-techno party tear our faces off!

Naut83 prepared his chilling live set for this evening in the workshop of Tilos radio, so that we can travel further in the psy/acid/techno musical universe of Dj Titusz, and then the live-electronic musical entity born from the fusion of the members of the Korai Öröm and Óperentzia bands: Bobby Shyze he unleashes his amazing energies on us!

And as the closing etude of the séance, none other than the reigning offspring of the Bernathy dynasty, who have played a defining and unavoidable role in the Hungarian live-techno scene since its birth, hit us.

21:30 - Naut83 (live)
23:00 - Dj Titusz
01:00 - Bobby Shyze (live)
02:00 - Bernathy (live)
Place: Gödör Club Budapest
Address: 1061 Budapest, Király u. 50.
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