Badora Dance Company: Melinda, National Dance Theatre Budapest, 30 April


Badora Dance Company: Melinda, National Dance Theatre Budapest, 30 April
Melinda dreamed of a Homeland where she could live in peace. A place that she wouldn’t have to run away from, like she and her two brothers fled their homeland, Spain, because their lives were in danger.

She believed that in Hungary she had found a home where she would never have to be afraid again.

Melinda was wrong.

Melinda dreamed of a husband with whom she would grow old and in whose sheltering arms she would one day close her eyes forever, surrounded by their grandchildren. She hoped for a long and beautiful life with a loving husband who would never doubt her fidelity.

Melinda was wrong.

Melinda also dreamed of a child, a beautiful boy who would grow into a man of upright character, and be her mother’s support and pride. One she could protect from life’s evils and disappointments, while many, many years would pass in beauty, quiet and peace.

Melinda was wrong.

Melinda dreamed of a life without pretence and lies, in which she would give respect to all and receive it in every situation, even as a weak woman, for her purity shines with a light so strong that she hopes to disarm deceit.

Melinda was wrong.

Melinda has dreamed with a pure heart, but a world that knows only greed and selfishness and is driven only by interest will not tolerate dreaming. In such a world, a dreamer is doomed to die. She is driven to death because such an earthly angel makes everyone around her uncomfortable by constantly reminding them that they could create, and live in, a better world.

Melinda is right – this world is not for angels.
Place: National Dance Theatre Budapest
Address: 1024 Budapest, Kis Rókus u. 16-20.
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