Klára Hajdu Quartet, Opus Jazz Club Budapest, 21 June


Klára Hajdu Quartet, Opus Jazz Club Budapest, 21 June
Klára Hajdu is an outstanding singer-songwriter and teacher of the Hungarian jazz scene.

She has performed in clubs and festivals in many cities in Europe and the USA. Her own quartet has been a renowned jazz ensemble for more than a decade and a half, and its members are all leading figures on the Hungarian scene.

Their four albums to date are played on radio stations from Europe to Mexico, streamed in more than 30 countries and available on the shelves of Japanese record stores.

This evening, the ensemble will be joined by Milán Szakonyi, one of Hungary's most distinctive vocalists. In addition to having sung for 10 years in one of the country's most popular jazz ensembles, the Balázs Elemér Group, he is a pillar of the Hungarian popular music scene.

He and Klára have been creating music together for eight years, including on the quartet's previous albums.

The band is currently working on their latest album, on which Milán will be the guest again, so in addition to the quartet's best-known songs, this concert will also offer an insight into the material of the album to be released this autumn.
Place: Opus Jazz Club Budapest
Address: 1093 Budapest, Mátyás u. 8.
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