Court Orders Access To Budapest Opera Data

  • 19 Jul 2013 9:00 AM
Court Orders Access To Budapest Opera Data
The Constitutional Court yesterday struck down lower court rulings which rejected a request for access to data related to an audit of the State Opera. Tamás Bodoky, editor of the transparency website, asked the National Resources Ministry for access to a report by a ministerial commissioner on the audit of the Opera two years ago.

The website said the auditor’s report mentions billions of forints worth of abuses.

Both the ministry and lower courts refused to comply with the request to provide data.

The Constitutional Court ruled in Atlatszo’s favour by the narrowest of majorities, with an 8-7 vote.

Dissenters István Balsai, Egon Dienes-Oehn, Imre Juhász, Barnabás Lenkovics, Béla Pokol, László Salamon and Mária Szívós added separate opinions.

Source: Hungary Around the Clock

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