Olimpiai Park Budapest To Reopen Soon After 8-Month Renovation
- 5 Mar 2014 8:00 AM
According to the local government and based on the S-Tér Kft (landscape architects) renderings, the new park design will be dynamic and youthful.
The changes will include a bigger green space with more trees, a promenade, a 2000 square metre playground with a huge battleship climbing frame in the middle, a basketball court and a football pitch, new restrooms, a baby changing station, and a dog play/run area.
The monument dedicated to Hungarian Olympic champions and the five-ringed symbol will also be slightly redesigned. Along with the park, the surrounding streets and Széchenyi rakpart (quay) are also under reconstruction.
By Timea Klincsek for XpatLoop.com
Source: Oliver Sales, DOP ARCHITECTURE - DOP where subcontracted by STÉR to design all buildings and pergola structures in Olimpiai Park Budapest.