Hungary's President János Áder Signs Local Elections Act

  • 18 Jun 2014 9:00 AM
Hungary's President János Áder Signs Local Elections Act
The Socialist Party is asking the fundamental rights ombudsman to send the new local council election law to the Constitutional Court for a review after President János Áder signed it yesterday.

Deputy caucus leader Zoltán Lukács said the party will submit an appeal to the Court directly, but that requires the signatures of 25% of MPs.
Jobbik is also looking at ways of asking the ombudsman or Constitutional Court to intervene in the matter.
Parliament passed the amendment last Tuesday in a fast-track procedure that precluded House debate and public discussion.
Under the amended rules the Budapest city council will consist of the mayor, the 23 district mayors and nine other who lost district mayoral elections.
Source: Hungary Around the Clock
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