Six Great Excursion Spots Near Budapest
- 31 Jul 2014 10:00 AM

1. Árpád-kilátó - pictured above
Árpád-kilátó (lookout) is a lovely hiking spot, providing great views of the Danube and the monuments around it. Take bus 65 from Kolosy-tér until Fenyőgyöngye which is the final stop. From there, all you have to do is to follow the blue sign, continuing south and within 40-45 minutes you will reach the lookout.
2. Ördögorom
This tour is a sporty alternative starting out from the XIIth district up to the mountains. With stunning views over the Svábhegy, Sas-hegy, and the Tétényi-fennsík, it’s definitely worth the hike.
Take tram 59 to Farkasréti temető and follow the green triangle sign from there. The roads are surfaced at the start, but it gets rockier and steeper along the way. Apart from the physical challenge, its main advantage is that you can reach Széchenyi-hegy within an hour, where you have several options: take the kisvasút (small train), take the cog-rail to roll back to the city, or hike more to Normafa.
3. Nagy-Kevély
From Árpád híd bus station take bus 218 (takes about 30 minutes) to go to Pilisborosjenő and then start following the blue-marked bike path. There are many different hiking paths here, some shorter and some longer. Take the yellow one if you would like to see the ancient Mackó-barlang (bear-cave), where many animal remains and archaeological artifacts were found, all proving the existence of prehistoric cavemen. If you would like to go up to the 530-meter-high Kevély-tető, take the red trail.
4. Nagy-Szénás
Nagy-Szénás is located behind Nagykovácsi and has several hiking trails as well. Take bus 63 from Hűvösvölgy and get off at Községháza stop. It’s best to follow the red sign to the north then continue on the blue to the west at the bottom of Nagy-Szénás. This route will take you to the 525-meter-high top. To return to the starting point, choose the green trail.
5. Budaörsi sziklák (Rocks of Budaörs)
Best to start your journey by taking bus 40 from Móricz Zsigmond körtér to Budaörs city hall. From here, by following the red-cross sign to the north, you can get to the glider-monument on Farkas-hegy. While admiring the view between the rocks, you will have two choices at the red-square sign: go north to Csillebérc, or turn east and head up to Frank-hegy, where the cosy hut provides shelter for tired tourists. By continuing to follow the red-square trail, you will get to Irhás árok, and if you are tired of seeing trees, choose the red-cross trail, which will lead you between the houses and also to the Rupp-hegy. Bus 8 goes back to the city centre.
6. Szelim-barlang (Szelim-cave)
From Kelenföld railway station take a train to Tatabánya. The red-signed hiking trail starts just across the station and leads to the Turul-bird monument, which is very close to the Szelim-barlang. By following the red-cross sign to the north-east (and leaving the crowds behind), you will see the ruins of the Kisrét hunting-lodge, where the bare kitchen tiles in the embrace of the crooked old oak trees offer a stunning view. From here, choose the yellow trail, then turn west to the red one, and follow the red-cross sign again.
When arriving to the red-triangle sign, just climb up to the 360-meter-high Csúcs-hegy, where you will see the steel-structured Ratzinger Vince-lookout. From the top, the view is amazing, and you can see Tata lake as well. A convenient walkway will lead you back to the Turul and to the railway station. With some modification (avoid the red-triangle path), this hike can be easily done by bike as well.
Source: ORIGO
Words by Tímea Klincsek for
Proofread by Írj Jól Szolgáltató Kft.
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