Over 217,000 Migrants Have Crossed Into Hungary So Far

  • 21 Sep 2015 9:00 AM
Over 217,000 Migrants Have Crossed Into Hungary So Far
By 6am on Sunday police had rounded up 217,382 migrants who had entered Hungary illegally since the start of the year, the police headquarters (ORFK) said. Fully 201,335 had been picked up at the Serbia-Hungary border while 15,833 had been rounded up at the Croatian-Hungarian border, the ORFK said on its website. On Saturday 166 were picked up at the Serbian border while 4,740 had arrived at the Croatian one.

By 6am on Sunday another 105 arrived at the Serbian border while another 3,100 were at the Croatian one.

Ever since stricter regulations came into force on Sept. 15, criminal proceedings have been launched against 140 migrants, the statement on the police force’s website said.

Source www.hungarymatters.hu - Visit Hungary Matters to sign-up for MTI’s twice-daily newsletter.

MTI photo: Varga György

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