“What Do You Drink?”: Mitiszol Festival 2015, 14 November
- 12 Nov 2015 12:30 AM

The festival will showcase a colourful selection of wine, as well as beer, pálinka, fruit juice, syrups, herbal teas, and natural fresh water. Beyond beverages, visitors will have the chance to taste some organic food products and tasty street food.
Exhibitors: Terra Hungarica wines: Barta Pince // Bott Pince // Csobánci Bormanufaktúra // Dorogi Pincészet // Gajdos Pincészet // Hollóvár // Hummel Pincészet // Kaló Pince // Karner Gábor // Kasnyik Családi Pincészet // Királyudvar // Losonci Pince // Mátyás Családi Pincészet // Maurer Oszkár // Meinklang // Orsolya Pince // Pelle Pince // Pók Tamás // Pósta Borház // Ráspi // Somlói Apátsági Pince // Strekov 1075 // Szászi Pince // Szecskő Tamás // Szentesi József // Attila Pince // Wassmann Pince // Weninger Pincészet // Wetzer Péter
Pelle Párlatház és Bükkaranyosi Pálinkák
Meinklang beer and fruit juice / Frankó grape juice / Csupaszörp syrups
Szigetközi natural fresh water
Élő Bolygó Farm – cheese and other dairy products
Grill 'n' Chill bio veal burger
Malackrumply pulled pork (mangalica) sandwich
Pipacs Bio Bakery bread
Zsámboki Bio Garden
12.30 – 18.30 Walk-around tasting (Hall D, ground floor)
Although our traditional walk-around tasting is still focusing on authentic wine (11 regions, about 30 wine growers and 100 wines), visitors can taste other natural beverages and – for the first time in the history of the event – you can enjoy organic food products and street food. Come early and have lunch with us! (The ticket includes tasting all beverages, while food will be available for cash).
15.30 – 17.00 The real blind tasting (Hall B, Invisible exhibition)
An extraordinary and unforgettable experience is guaranteed for those participating in our professional blind tasting to be held at the special room of the Invisible Exhibition in parallel with the walk-around tasting. Complete darkness, special wines, room for only 30 people.
18.30 – 21.30 SPONTAN wine bar and after party (Hall D, 1st floor)
Terroir Club, the distributor of natural wines will do a pop-up wine bar with a wide selection of European organic and biodynamic wines. Visitors will be treated with a gratis welcome sparkling wine and special deals at the bar. Dinner will be available until the closing hour. Cash only.
Venue: Millenáris Park, Hall D
Address: 1024 Budapest, Kis Rókus u. 16-20., entrance through Hall C.
Ticket prices:
Walk-around ticket in advance: 5 900 HUF/person – with this ticket you can taste nearly 100 wines as well as other natural beverages including beer, pálinka, fruit juice, syrup, tea, water). Food will be available for cash.
Walk-around tasting + SPONTAN wine bar and after party in advance: 6 900 HUF/person – in addition to the walk-around tasting, you can attend our after party, where you will be treated with a gratis welcome sparkling wine and enjoy our wide selection of natural wines at special rates.
The real blid tasting: 3 900 HUF/person – a seated, professional blind tasting for real, with extraordinary wines at the special room of the Invisible Exhibition, between 15.30-17.00.
Walk-around tasting in advance (5 900 HUF/person) pcs
Walk-around + SPONTAN wine bar and after party in advance (6 900 HUF/person) pcs
The real blind tasting (3 900 HUF/person) pcs
You can pay with:
bank transfer (Ital-tár Kft, 12100011-10132241)
PayPal (ID: fesztival@mitiszol.hu, if you have a PayPal account, you can pay with credit card, too.)
cash (Terminal Market - 1051 Budapest, Erzsébet square 11. - Mon-Sat 12.00-20.00 or Ital-tár Ltd - 1037 Budapest, Csillaghegyi street 13. - Mon-Fri 9.00 - 17.00)
Ticket hotline: +36 20 449 0344 (Mon-Sat, 12.00 - 20.00)
Please note that we can only guarantee your participation after your payment arrived, therefore we strongly recommend to buy your tickets right after the registration below. Once we received your payment, we will send you an email confirmation about your successful purchase. Based on our previous experience, tickets are sold in advance, therefore it is very likely that we won’t be able to sell tickets on the day of the festival.
To register visit: http://mitiszol.hu/mitiszol-festival-2015/
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